Reiki for Releasing Grief and Trauma
We have never lived through a global pandemic of this scale before. No matter our age, vocation, lifestyle, or family dynamics, our lives...

Nature Therapy for Stressful Times
Lots of people are taking kids on walks around the lake and along the creek. Being a nature lover, and amateur nature therapist, I...

Slipping into my meditation, Anxiety tight in my chest, Depression in the periphery Waiting patiently for her turn, I ask: "What do I...

Black Moon
A poem began to form In my head With Cliche images of Me planting daisy seeds In my belly, Sprouting them in my ribs, And growing...

March: Awakening Your Dreams
March is a Time for Awakening Your Dreams I held dozens of jobs between the ages of 16 and 25 (a trend that continued for many years...

Winter Words
After meditating, some days the silence is heavy, comforting, like sitting under a thick white quilt on a snowy February morning, holding...

After a winter meditation, this poem wrote itself during the free-writing session that followed. Crystalline Snow is the perfect...